• Çavuş Mah. Eski Balıkesir Yolu Kümeevler no:10
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EFE This machines opens a new area in culivator class. With its design,performance and quality of soil preparation,it is a unique machine. With its extremely low fuel consumption and good soil preparition,this machine has the

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Disc Harrow

DISC HARROW While mixing stubble to the soil,this machine treats stubble with its 510 mm discs in the most efficient way. Weeds and late crops grow immediately because of effective compression of soil. The dry

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Vineyards Orchards

Vineyards Orchards Machines for vineyards and orchards. This machine is used espacially for loosening and breaking up the soil. The soil behind is leveled with a roller.You can remove weeds with special duckfoot points and

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3 ROWS TILLER The optional rotating rakes with mechanical depth adjustment crumble tiny clumps in the soil. With help of leveling wheels you can prepare the soil as deep as you need. Machines with more

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Hoeing Machine

HOEING MACHINE Due to the star discs the young seedlings are not harmed during the soil preparation.When the seedlings grow up you can lift up these disc. On each unit on this interrow cultivator there

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CULTIVATOR The tines can be used with or without support tines. You can adjust the distance between the tines individually for different processes. The rotating rakes crumble tiny clumps in the soil. As the wings

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COMBICRUM There are special formed tines on the front row pushing the clumps into the soil. The back rows tears the clumps to pieces. The tine dimestions are 25x10 Special 20x20 springs hold down the

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LOW TILLER Best stubble process with 30x30 square spring tines. Due to the low frame it can be easily used for soil preparation between tree rows like olive trees. Spring tines don’t damage tree roots.

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